breaking news: my masterclass is here

Yo Reader.

I'm launching my Live 3-Day Masterclass.

I opened my exclusive early bird's access for 10 creators and coaches who want to double their leads and grow their email lists in the next 30 days.

Early birds receive an exclusive price and 10 gone-forever bonuses for free.

Each day will cover a topic to help you build an audience of diehards, get an influx of eyeballs on your offer, and monetize while you're asleep.

Let's dive in Reader.

Day 1: Standout Creator Masterclass

We'll build your standout brand to remove your competition and leverage you as the go-to expert in your field (even if you don't have a huge audience).

I'll show you how to build an audience of diehards who adore your content and consume every post or email you share.

Day 2: Content Masterclass

I'll help you build content to attract your dream clients, flood traffic into your funnel, and go viral (without elite writing skills).

You'll grow your dream community while building authority in your niche without hours of writing each week.

Day 3: Nurture Funnel Masterclass

I'll help you book calls in your sleep with dead simple emails. I'll show you how to build an email ecosystem to nurture leads, build trust, and supermax your authority (without a huge email list).

You'll craft killer lead magnets and have a thriving email list of warm leads.

I'm in, when do I show up?

March 15th, 16th, and 17th at 5 PM CET

Each day will be live and include a Q&A session for you to receive personalized feedback.

I want to give out as much personalized feedback as possible meaning spots will be limited. Join up ASAP so you don't miss out.

What will each day look like?

Each call will be held live and recorded if you aren't able to attend.

The calls will be two hours long each. The first portion will cover the topic and material for the day. The second part will be a Q&A session where you can ask any questions on topic or off-topic.

After each call, you'll be given a checklist of tasks to run through before the next day.

What extra bonuses will I get?

I love overdelivering.

Here's the list of 10 added goodies you'll only receive as an early bird:

  • Killer brand overhaul ($97)
  • Instant Install Email Funnel ($147)
  • Early access Skool community ($47)
  • Eyepopping Email Workshop ($297)
  • My 2.5M Viral Content Blueprint ($197)
  • 30-day community builder playbook ($97)
  • Winning Thread + Long Form Playbook ($197)
  • My Calendar Flooding lead magnet system ($297)
  • Executive pricing + first dibs on future masterclasses ($400)
  • A secret surprise

Total value: $1776

Who's this for?

I've worked with a wide range of experts.

  • Creators
  • Coaches
  • Ghostwriters
  • Agency owners

The masterclass is for coaches and creators who have a core offer or skill.

The systems are evergreen and transfer to any niche no matter what kind of service you run.

What do I Invest?

I've done 10+ consulting calls at $200 for 1 hour.

My high ticket work goes above $1500.

The value of everything in the masterclass is $1973.

Your investment?

$197 for 6 hours of personalized feedback plus bonuses (now).

Early bird's pricing closes next weekend.

$397 next weekend (March 10th).

Gone forever after that.

Build Your Lead Ecosystem

Here's your last step, Reader.

Act fast before the Live 3-Day Masterclass is gone forever.

Get more eyes on your offer here.

P.S. The first 5 to join get two bonus gifts (12 total)...

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