Obsession is Your Super Weapon (Cut In Front of Mediocrity)

You aren’t obsessed enough.

Obsession is the driving force behind every high performer known to man.

Obsession is a double-edged sword.

Obsessed with society’s programming?

  • Partying
  • Getting wasted on a Friday night
  • Hooking up with every person in sight.

You won’t win.

Obsessed with creation?

  • Buidling online
  • Unlocking your potential
  • Sculpting a fulfilled life

You’ll win.

Obsession translates into every area of your life.




No matter where you look obsession is everywhere

We all have different levels of obsession.

Some focus all their energy into the gym.

Others embrace the gym, but work on other things.

There are levels to this.

I’m the first to stand for elevating all areas of your life.

It’s a broken record at this point.

But having a core obsession for a month, a quarter, or even a year skyrockets your progress.

Hear me out.

My Observations

I’m obsessed with writing.

I obsess over every word in every sentence of every post.

I spend time:

  • Reading books
  • Injecting my mind with new ideas
  • Reflecting upon everything that happened to me

These things bolster my writing skills.


I’m never out of ideas.

Yes I hit creative blocks.

Yes I sometimes can’t connect the dots.

But I’m locked and loaded with ideas

Your mind is a superpower.

It has the power to hold 60,000 thoughts per day.

What could you do if you channeled it into one thing?

Your craft is your purpose.

Improvement is your purpose.

Not what society’s told you to do.

Not what your teachers tell you to do.

Most live for the weekend.

“What’s the move Friday?”

“Plans this weekend?”

They aren’t obsessed with their craft.

They find school boring.

They dread their job.

They spend hours unplugging from the real world.

The list of companies go on and on:

  • Netflix (streaming)
  • Rockstar (video games)
  • Meta (Social media)

They make billions a year off pure escape culture.

Escaping The Status Quo

Zero direction.

That’s what escape culture promotes.

Dread Mondays.

Live for the weekend.

That’s the life of those who aren’t obsessed.

Here’s a terrifying twist.

Most creators live that same life.

  • They dread writing content
  • They push stuff out for numbers
  • They never innovate

They attack their journeys online the same way many do with their 9-5s.

But here’s the thing.

9-5ers don’t quit.

They rely on their jobs to pay their bills.

Creators and entrepreneurs starting out?

They quit left and right.

There’s no commitment.

There’s no penalty for quitting.

They aren’t obsessed.

Whether it’s writing a short post.

A long form.

Speaking on a space.

Doesn’t matter.

You can hear someone’s obsession.

It radiates off their tone.

“This guy knows what he’s talking about.”

“That post she wrote was deep.”

This is the goal.

Not superficial numbers.

Not a cookie-cutter long form telling people to engage.

Personal brand.

Not a numbers brand.

You’re unique right?

Obsession is The Answer

Do you really care?

How far are you willing to go?

There is an unfair advantage.

Most aren’t obsessed with their craft.

They crave shortcuts.

They take the easy path.

They settle for what’s working.

Obsession is creation.

You create a new path.

You level up while others settle.

You set trends while others follow.

This happens on X all the time.

People hop on what’s hot.


It’s simple.

But how do you spark your own path?

Find Your Obsessions

Everyone is unique.

Your obsessions make you stand out.

Most on X have similar obsessions.

  • Content
  • Online business
  • Creation

But we all view them differently.

Your worldview shifts how you view your obsessions.

Let’s dive into how you’ll find your unique takes on your current obessions.

1. Life’s Areas

The core six.

  • Physical Health
  • Headspace
  • Work
  • Hobbies
  • Relationships
  • Self Improvement

What do you spend the most time on within each of these areas?

Do you love the gym?

Do you love meditation?

Do you love reading books?

Disect into your head.

See where your time goes within each of these areas.

2. Life’s Values

What do you value?

There’s an amazing exercise I run through each morning.

I have ten core values I live by each day.

I wake up.

I read them each morning.


It reminds me of who I want to be.

How can you use these values in your writing?

Your values determine how you act.

Think of ten values and you’ll have different angles to write about.

3. Life’s Consumption

What do you consume?

What stops you from scrolling?


Dive into everything.




They alter the way you think.

The ideas are unlimited.

Tying The Knot

Obsession drives everything.

It drives your decisions.

It drives how you act.

It drives your success.

The less obsessed you are with your craft…

The lower your chances are to win.

Find your obsessions.

Double down on them.

It’s how you’ll spark your own path.

Stay obsessed.


This Week’s Podcast

Matt and I talk about the biggest mistake creators make.

Want to win?

Check it out below.

video preview

Tiny Announcement

Expect 1-2 more emails a week from me.

I want to up my value game.

What can you expect in your inbox?

More condensed emails than the ones you typically get from me.

You’ll still get these value bombs every weekend.

But you’ll also receive bite-sized value throughout the week.

Hope you enjoy.

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