The Easiest Way to Fast Track Your Creator Journey (How To Be a Standout)

The Obsession With Detail

I spent the last few weeks helping creators.

I’m 2 months into my journey on X and get DMs every day from writers who want to improve their writing.

I spoke in front of 20 legends last weekend.

There’s one common theme I notice in everyone I’ve helped.

They all obsess with the tiny stuff.

Writing structure.



I was the same.

I wasted weeks of time. I spent hours building the “perfect” hook to reach nobody.

Defeating right?

That’s the problem.

Tiny details won’t get you far. You waste valuable time when you obsess with them.

Think of writing on X.

The small details are each post you crank out. Those who obsess with their posts are the ones who quit (especially at the start).

The big picture is who you are (the creator) and how attractive you are to potential audience members.

Why is the beginning so hard?


“I gotta craft the perfect hook.”

“My flow needs to be perfect.”

Nah. You’re afraid of putting something out. You look at other big creators and copy their stuff because you’re afraid of judgment.

That’s why stealing doesn’t work.

When I started I modeled my writing after Dan Koe.

The result? Nothing. I drowned out.

When I did my own thing? Bingo. I stood out.

But that’s the problem. Most want to stand out but aren’t willing to stand out.

Sounds weird?

Let’s dive into it.

Details and Standing Out

The details feel nice.

Building the perfect hook feels nice.

Obsessing with your writing flow feels nice.


It gives you a false sense of productivity. It’s like responding to emails all day. You miss out on the big picture and the important stuff.

“Tunnel vision makes you blind to the opportunities around you. Rather than making progress, you get stuck.”

The big-picture stuff is scary.

Finding your own writing style is scary.

Working on client acquisition is scary.

Building your email list is scary.

That’s why most never make it. They avoid the high-ranking stuff.

Are writing structure and hooks important?

Of course. But if you don’t tackle the big picture you won’t gain any traction (stand out).

But why do people fear this stuff?

The Fear of Being a Standout

There’s a fear of authenticity.

“What if I get judged?”

“What if nobody cares?”

Every creator goes through this when they open up. I know I did.

You’re forced to do something you’ve never done before.

But the grass is greener on the other side of the mountain.

You realize others go through the same stuff you do. The result? You make tons of friends and win together.

But on top of the value you give people to follow you because of who you are.

People only care about themselves. The best way to cater to this?

Make them feel like you understand them and get them.

Mention the problems you went through that they’re going through now.

But most fail to do this.

They aren’t attractive enough to stand out.

The New Way

Being a standout is the only way.

You’re unique amongst the masses.

When everyone is moving one way you shift to the other.

Those who don’t shift drown out.

Those who shift thrive.

But being a standout isn’t only about content creation. It falls into real life too.

Be yourself without judgment.

That’s why standouts are taking over X.

They’re willing to get vulnerable without the fear of judgment.

But this isn’t as easy as it sounds. They obsess with the big picture. They look decades ahead.

They know a single post won’t blow them up.

They know crossing a followers number won’t blow them up.

A brand new door is opening.

It’s the one for standouts.

The Path of The Standout

Standouts are winners.

Their progress is fast-paced. How?

Every single action they take aligns with their big picture.

"Widening your vision is like sharpening a saw - You can overcome the obstacles with less effort."

They live and breathe their vision. They refuse to let the tiny details derail them from their goals.

Not the best hook? Fine. Let’s improve, but not obsess.

Flow sound off? Fine. Let’s practice, but not derail.

There are three tools you must have to be a standout.

Here are the three.

1. A Clear and Meaningful Vision

Vision is everything. It keeps you in the mud when the warm bathtub calls your name.

I shared a post earlier this week and my friend dropped a quote that tied it together.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

You must know why you want to win. Wanting to win isn’t enough.

Your wins must have depth too.

Girls are cool.

Lambos are cool.

Mansions are cool.

But is a lambo going to help you when you’re struggling to write a hook?


Craft a clear vision of what you want. From there list reasons why you want that vision in the first place.

2. Confidence

Confidence is a skill.

When I started my podcast with Matt I had zero confidence.

I stumbled over my words. Avoided the camera. Obsessed with how I looked.

But over time I got my stuff down.

More reps gave me more confidence.

Now we’re 11 episodes into the podcast. My confidence is through the roof.

(Spoke in front of 20 people LIVE on a group call. Wouldn’t have been able to do this 2 months ago)

The same holds true about writing on X. You must practice finding your own flow and systems. Copying others delays your own progress.

Be willing to look dumb and you’ll find your confidence.

3. Uniqueness

Being unique is easy.

“But I’m a normal person.”

Yeah me too. That’s what makes you relatable.

People think being unique means you have interesting. False.

Uniqueness comes from being relatable.

How do you be relatable?

Showcase your down moments. Talk about why you started. Mention where you want to go.


Nobody else does it. It’s easy to build a huge movement from this.

I’m living proof of this.

Big Picture Building

There’s one thing I want you to take away.

Be a big vision standout.

Be willing to look dumb.

Don’t obsess over the tiny details. There’s no perfect hook or way to write.

It’s all an allusion. The best writers are the ones who stick to their roots and find their own way of writing.

This makes them stand out. (Get it?)

But you’ll never reach that point through obsessing with the tiny stuff. You must look at your own vision.

See what your goals are.

See why you even started.

From there talk about those things in your own unique voice.

Not wasting hours on low-value stuff.

Get your voice out there.

Tying The Knot

The mass movement is coming.

Standouts are taking over.

Find your own voice.

Obsess with your grand vision. There’s no time to waste on the tiny stuff.

Remember why you started and you’ll win amongst the masses.

Thanks for reading as always.

Keep killing it.


P.S. I'm building a community for standouts on X. You'll be first to get notified once it launches.

Major Announcement

Most of you got here through Tribe Building Mastery.

I sure hope you enjoyed it and found use of it.

But it doesn't stop there.

Tribe Building Mastery was just stage one.

The Standout Trilogy has three stages.

  1. What to write?
  2. How to Ideate?
  3. How to write?

Stage two opens this week.

As a stage one holder, you'll receive exclusive bonuses that nobody else will have.

Most creators spend hours every single day brainstorming content ideas.

After going through it you'll never need to brainstorm again.

Keep an eye out this week.

If you haven't already download Tribe Building Mastery here.

This Week’s Podcast

We built this episode for you. Matt and I dove into the right mindsets to have as a creator.

This newsletter ties into this week’s podcast. Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Join the revolutionary movement spearheading the fight against mediocrity. Sharing a story + perspectives every Saturday to help you cross off more goals & win.

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