To-Do Lists Are Ruining Your Productivity (The New Age Alternative)

The Creator Life

I’m convinced content creators are the future.

But there’s so much that goes into content creation.

You must grow a brand.

You must grow a community.

You must grow a message people get behind.

But how?

Hours of writing.

Hours of networking.

Hours of getting on camera.

On top of that, you must get out of your comfort zone.

There’s so much that goes into being a content creator and it’s why 90% quit within the first 60 days.

And what’s worse?

There’s no guarantee that you’ll grow.

You might grind for 90 days with no results.

That’s the harsh reality.

What’s even crazier is your work is one area of your life.

You still must water every other one or else you drown.

You can’t live a fulfilling life without watering your six core areas.

Here’s a deep dive into how you can build every area of your life.

The 1% of creators all make the most of their time.

But how do you craft a bulletproof schedule?

The Outdated Solution

The past 2 weeks I hopped on tons of spaces on X.

I also joined tons of networking calls in the same time span.

Productivity was brought up in every interaction I’ve had.

I noticed a huge problem people had was managing their to-do lists.

They struggled to do their “high-value tasks”.

And procrastinate because of it.

The real problem is to-do lists are outdated.

Tasks pile up and get shoved further down the list.

There’s no prioritizing or ranking of the tasks.

“High value” tasks at the top.

“Low value” tasks at the bottom.

This sucks.

Why It Doesn’t Work For Creators.

As a creator, you have tons of different responsibilities.

  • Engaging
  • Writing content
  • Recording videos
  • Networking with other creators

There’s so much different stuff.

And when you shove everything onto a to-do list it stacks up.

Your “essential” tasks pile up to 10+ every single day.

(Most of these tasks aren’t essential anyway)

But when you shove everything into a single day you screw yourself over.

You screw with your focus by jumping from task to task.

You feel pulled from your other responsibilities.

There’s no organization and you’re always on go mode.

What happens when you stay in go mode 24/7?

You crash.

And this is why creators quit the game.

They can’t balance their creator lives with their other responsibilities.

This is why I am anti to-do list.

Why Do People Use It Then?

“If to-do lists don’t work why do people use them?”

Good question.

The answer?

People love feeling organized.

When you write down a task on a to-do list your brain releases dopamine (a feel-good chemical).

And because of that, you run back for more even though to-do lists suck.

There are also people who jump from software to software for a refreshing feeling.

This is the Novelty Effect.

Here’s an example.

Some people use Apple Calendar to schedule their tasks. After a while they procrastinate.

They fail to stay organized and fall behind. They blame the app and hop onto a new one.

They switch to Google Calendar thinking things will change because of the “new” app.

The loop continues forever and they’re stuck cycling through platforms again and again.

The same thing is true with to-do lists.

There are hundreds and hundreds of different to-do list apps out there. They’re all very similar and some have a feature or two that other ones don’t have.

But at the end of the day, they all track your tasks in a similar way.

Instead of finding a “better” app to track your tasks, there’s a better way of managing them.

The New Age Concept.

To-do lists suck.

We established this by now.

But what’s the solution?

Daily and weekly themes.

Sounds complicated? Let’s break this down.

Weekly Themes

Most people set monthly goals. They write down 3-5 targets they want to cross for the month and stop there.

There’s no clear path and if they didn’t cross those targets last month they’ll do the same this month.

So how do you inject this process with steroids?

Setting a theme for each week.

For example.

Let’s say your monthly goal is to start writing 3 tweets per day.

From there let’s break down that single monthly goal into 4 weekly themes.

Week 1: Figure out your interests and research.

Week 2: Test and experiment.

Week 3: Review and tweak.

Week 4: Post 3 times every day.

Each week has its own mission and you help yourself stay organized.

Once you have your weekly themes we can dive into your daily themes.

Daily Themes

Daily themes are like weekly themes. But instead, you’re making themes for each week you create them for each day.

Sound a bit rigid? Somewhat.

But humans aren’t perfect creatures. You aren’t a robot. Install some rigidity as insurance for you to get your work done.

Let’s dive into our week 1 theme.

Week 1: Figure out your interests and research.

Monday: Personal interests

Tuesday: Personal interests

Wednesday: Audience research

Thursday: Relatable personal stories

Friday: Your mission

These daily themes are flexible. The best thing is they allow you to tackle everything on your to-do list.

But you only do tasks that are similar on a certain day.

Why is this the case?

Batching Similar Tasks


This is why batching similar tasks together works.

An underrated part of productivity is transitioning between tasks. This process determines whether you stay in flow state or need to regain it.

When you jump between two tasks that aren’t similar it’s much harder to maintain flow state.


Because they’re different tasks and need different information or skills.

Think of this.

If you’re writing tweets and jump to writing a newsletter the friction is high.

But if you jumped from researching a newsletter to writing it the process is more fluid.

This is because the research is fresh in your head and you’re ready to dive in.

Tweet writing is also a lot different from newsletter writing. Friction from that is also high.

The lower the friction is the easier it is for you to stay in flow state and get more done.

Action Steps

Alright so now you have the knowledge to get more done than 90% of people.

It’s time for you to apply the knowledge.

Here are your next steps.

1. Write down your theme for next week

Figure out what your monthly goal is.

Don’t have one?

Then let’s craft you a 3 month vision.

Do it here.

Once you have your monthly goal break the next 4 weeks into 4 themes.

For now, write down your theme for the first week.

2. Write Your Daily Themes

Once you have your weekly theme it’s time for your daily ones.

Give each day a “mission” or goal.

This will help you stay organized and on top of each day.

3. Batch Similar Tasks

Which tasks should get done on each day?

You can look at your existing to-do list.

You can come up with new tasks too.

The vital thing though is to make sure each day has similar tasks.

You want very little friction between tasks.

Tying The Knot

This newsletter was more action-based than usual.

I decided to write this because everybody I talked to these past 2 weeks has never heard of this concept.

I started using themes about 2 months ago and realized I wasted years.

I’ve never gotten as much done in little time before.

Every single day feels aligned and I’m done with all my work by 4 PM.

This concept changed my life.

It can change yours if you use its core principles.

Listen to This Week’s Podcast.

Speaking of themes.

Matt and I broke down our favorite and least favorite productivity hacks.

There are hundreds out there and we broke down some of them so you don’t need to waste your time.

Watch the episode here:

video preview

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