You Are Wasting Months of Progress....

Major Announcement

Before we dive into this week’s newsletter I have an announcement.

I launched Ideation Mastery. Most of you are here from downloading Tribe Building Mastery. If you enjoyed that guide you’ll love Ideation Mastery.


It starts where we left off in Tribe Building Mastery (What to Write)

Now we’ll dive into how to build ideas that are high-performing without spending hours every week.

Get unlimited high performance content ideas for $0 here.

Now let’s dive into this week’s newsletter.

Obsession Is Killing You

Creators are too obsessed.

Obsessed with writing structure.

Obsessed with the perfect post.

They obsess to the point where they don’t push anything out because they overthink.

They doubt their skills.

They downplay their competency.

The biggest reason why 60% of creators quit within the first few months is detail obsession.

(Also known as perfectionism).

The perfect reel.

The perfect tweet.

The perfect newsletter.

I’m two months into my Journey on X. I’ve helped over a dozen people with their writing up to this point.

But there is one common trait EVERYBODY I’ve helped shared:

They cared too much.

Let me explain.

A lot of creators struggle with three things.

  1. Standing out.
  2. Finding their voice.
  3. Writing to their audience. (Their audience)

What happens when they think about these problems again and again?

They hesitate.

They spend hours building a post because they think they need to address every problem in their post.

  • The hook needs to be perfect.
  • The lines need to flow.
  • The ending needs to punch.

Yes. These are important.

But let’s zoom out.

Details. Details. Details.

In school, a single mistake can shift your grade from an A to a B.

The schooling system drilled perfection into your head.

Perfect grades?

  • You get placed into “better” universities.
  • You get placed with “better” students.
  • You get placed into “better” classes.

Most university kids also spend their ENTIRE day studying and working on classes too.

No touching grass. No rest. Just pure burnout a month into the semester.

(Sounds a lot like hustle bros)

They need to offer productivity classes in uni. The mindset of some of the kids I talk to is sad because they don’t realize what they’re doing to their headspace.

But here’s the catch.

The real world values your skills.

Grades are cool but think of this. When you’re applying for a job that isn’t entry-level what does the employer value most?

Experience and Skills. (In most cases)

This is why university students struggle to find work once they graduate. (Choosing a major plays a part too)

The perfectionism that goes into creating the PERFECT post stems from the schooling system.

You feel like a failure if your post flops.

You feel like you can’t share a post that doesn’t meet your standards.

That isn’t how the game works.

Failure is NEEDED in the online space. Fail more to win more. But you need to be willing to fail.

The Avoidance of Failure

Most say they’re willing to fail.

But deep down they aren’t.

They’re afraid to post.

They’re afraid to be vulnerable.

They’re afraid to speak on video.

This ties back to the schooling system. Kids with low grades are exiled and getting bad grades isn’t an option.

The idea of “looking dumb” to win is repulsive to most kids.

  • People flex grades.
  • People flex the hours they work.
  • People flex how easy classes are for them.

These are the people who get rewarded in school.

Online? In real life? Nah.

There’s more to life than grades.

There’s more to life than building online.

Most fail to realize this.

They sit at their desks all day writing content.

They sit at their desks all day doing homework.

These people fear failure to the point where they need to fix EVERYTHING to cater to their ego.

Wild stuff.

Perfectionism stems from egotism.

Let Go.

Clear up the fog.

See the bigger picture.

Is anybody really going to remember the “flopped” post you made three days from now? No.

The social media game is rapid-fire. People forget what they see faster than ever.

This isn’t school.

You don’t need good grades to win. You need volume.

Crank out posts. Look dumb. Use your data. Repeat.

Everybody looks stupid in the beginning. I know I did. My first posts got one like. (From me)

Already have an audience?

Even better. Go look even more dumb. Experiment like a psycho. Figure out what your audience likes and what they don’t.

I give you a shortcut to do this in Tribe Building Mastery.

Build a tribe of diehards here.

The possibilities are endless. Why?

Most creators don’t want to look dumb. They keep posts stuck in their drafts because they fear low reach. They have zero confidence in themselves.

I know I was like that too.

I feared posting and looking dumb.

But I got over it.

How? I leaped.

I remembered what truly matters. My big vision.

This big vision was my duty to execute.

Want to never hesitate again?

Here are 3 duties you must fulfill as a creator.

1. Your Duty to Stand Out

It’s never been easier to stand out.

But it’s your duty to do so.


People are tired of the same messages shoved down their throats. It’s time for refreshing takes and refreshing creators.

You must be your audience’s spark of inspiration.

I built a community just to do this.

Join my community to skyrocket your growth on X here.

(You’ll have direct access to me)

2. Your Duty to Show Up

Show up for yourself.

Show up for your family.

Show up for future generations.

If you don’t who will?

There are people out there who need others building. They need the spark of motivation to know they can do it too.

It’s your duty to carve the path and show them that it’s possible.

3. Your Duty To Help Others

Help the homies win.

There are millions of people out there who need guidance. They’re facing the problems you once faced. You’re the perfect person to solve these problems.


You found your own solutions that are unique to you.

Get out there and help those who are in need of your expertise.

Tying The Knot

Look dumb? Fine.

Failed post? Fine.

The only person in the world who cares is you. Nobody else is even thinking of you or your slip-ups.

It’s all in your head.

It took me years to realize this. I don’t expect you to grasp this after reading this newsletter.

But I want you to take away one thing.

It’s your duty to act in your moments of doubt.


Others need to see somebody take charge.

That’s where you step in.

Again, if you haven’t already go download Ideation Mastery.

Get unlimited X ideas for $0 here.

Much love for reading as always.


This Week’s Podcasts

We’re starting to crank out two podcasts per week now.

But we dropped our first guest podcast.

Our Guest?

Joseph Oliver. He’s a 17-year-old dropshipper who’s making 6 figures.

It was a fun podcast check it out below:

video preview

Join our community and get more done while feeling fulfilled.


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The Standout Newsletter

Join the revolutionary movement spearheading the fight against mediocrity. Sharing a story + perspectives every Saturday to help you cross off more goals & win.

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