
The Standout Newsletter

Join the revolutionary movement spearheading the fight against mediocrity. Sharing a story + perspectives every Saturday to help you cross off more goals & win.

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breaking news: my masterclass is here

Yo Reader. I'm launching my Live 3-Day Masterclass. I opened my exclusive early bird's access for 10 creators and coaches who want to double their leads and grow their email lists in the next 30 days. Early birds receive an exclusive price and 10 gone-forever bonuses for free. Each day will cover a topic to help you build an audience of diehards, get an influx of eyeballs on your offer, and monetize while you're asleep. Let's dive in Reader. Day 1: Standout Creator Masterclass We'll build...

You aren’t obsessed enough. Obsession is the driving force behind every high performer known to man. Obsession is a double-edged sword. Obsessed with society’s programming? Partying Getting wasted on a Friday night Hooking up with every person in sight. You won’t win. Obsessed with creation? Buidling online Unlocking your potential Sculpting a fulfilled life You’ll win. Obsession translates into every area of your life. Health. Wealth. Relationships. No matter where you look obsession is...

Everyone starts from zero. Being a beginner is inevitable whether you’re hitting the gym, building on a new social platform, or learning a fresh skill. You’re bound to pick up something new that you have no experience touching before. It’s part of being a lifelong learner. You start from zero, find momentum, zoom into what works, and continue doing the essentials. This is what I call the progress loop. It’s the process that’s helped me test and build everything ranging from online skills to...

Society punishes creativity. You’re forced to write a certain way at school. You’re forced to read certain books at school. You’re forced to take certain classes at school. Every assignment covers specific ideas and topics. Your focus narrows to solve math problems. Your problem-solving skills are at the forefront of everything you do at school. There’s rarely a time when you’re free to step back and look at big-picture ideas. This is why school is a turnoff for me. Schools punish creativity...

I crossed 1,000 followers last week. I did this in 2 months of posting on X. It’s crazy to think about, considering that in July I had no idea if I wanted to quit Instagram or not. I’ve built my presence through crafting content that pops. Or “standout” content. I mention this a lot but have never dove deep into it before. This week we’ll be doing exactly that. But before we dive into standout content, we need to tackle what isn’t standout content. To do this, we’ll travel back to early...

Major Announcement: I just launched a blog. Yeah, EVEN MORE writing. What is it going to be about? It’ll be more niche for creators. Growth, consistency, content, all that fun stuff that a lot of you try to pick my brain for ;) You can go read it on Medium. I’ll post there three times a week. I already have a few posts up so go check them out in the meantime. Go subscribe to my blog for free. Alright, let’s dive into this week’s newsletter. Consistency is a Myth These past months, I’ve had...

Major Announcement Before we dive into this week’s newsletter I have an announcement. I launched Ideation Mastery. Most of you are here from downloading Tribe Building Mastery. If you enjoyed that guide you’ll love Ideation Mastery. Why? It starts where we left off in Tribe Building Mastery (What to Write) Now we’ll dive into how to build ideas that are high-performing without spending hours every week. Get unlimited high performance content ideas for $0 here. Now let’s dive into this week’s...

The Obsession With Detail I spent the last few weeks helping creators. I’m 2 months into my journey on X and get DMs every day from writers who want to improve their writing. I spoke in front of 20 legends last weekend. There’s one common theme I notice in everyone I’ve helped. They all obsess with the tiny stuff. Writing structure. Hooks. Flow. I was the same. I wasted weeks of time. I spent hours building the “perfect” hook to reach nobody. Defeating right? That’s the problem. Tiny details...

Be Dumb or Get Washed Away I had 1800 fans on Instagram But it wasn’t for me. I knew my writing was solid. I wrote content for 6 months. But something happened. Instagram shifted. Video content got pushed more than images. I hated over-editing my videos only for them to get 400 views. So I had a decision to make. Keep hating the process, but keep my 1800 fans. Or drop it all and start from 0 on X. I sat for weeks thinking about this decision. “What if nobody likes my stuff?” “What do I even...

The Creator Life I’m convinced content creators are the future. But there’s so much that goes into content creation. You must grow a brand. You must grow a community. You must grow a message people get behind. But how? Hours of writing. Hours of networking. Hours of getting on camera. On top of that, you must get out of your comfort zone. There’s so much that goes into being a content creator and it’s why 90% quit within the first 60 days. And what’s worse? There’s no guarantee that you’ll...